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de Remigiusz Dybka
Main window

Live MIDI sequencer

Vahatraker is a MIDI sequencing companion for GNU/Linux audio setups. Adhering to Unix philosophy, driving MIDI is the one thing it tries to do well, adhering to other doctrines - enabling expression, with added value of:

  • live editing
  • fast workflow
  • intuitive midi-in
  • unheard of time signatures
  • scenes
  • fractal turtles

Frankly speaking, vht was envisaged as a re-creation of seq24 in tracker form for author's "studio needs" and offers similar functionality (and limitations). It relies 100% on JACK audio connection kit for input/output/synch and uses jack_capture for rendering. The GUI has similar dependencies as gnome-calculator and tracker paradigm was chosen to allow for rhythmic gymnastics otherwise hard to convey.

Low level stuff was done in C and wrapped in Python. Human interfacing part of contraption employs GTK through gobject introspection and was also contrived in the language we shall no longer spam about.

Alterações na versão 0.4.05

há 25 dias
(Construído há 25 dias)
  • Construído pela comunidade

    Esta app foi desenvolvida abertamente por uma comunidade de voluntários e disponibilizada sob a licença GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.
Tamanho instalado~3.19 MiB
Tamanho da transferência1.51 MiB
Arquiteturas disponíveisx86_64, aarch64