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Rclone Shuttle

de pieterdd
Browser (light theme)

Upload your files to anywhere

(Rclone Shuttle is still experimental. If you prefer a more mature but unmaintained alternative, we recommend Rclone Browser.)

Access all your cloud storage providers from one app. Powered by Rclone's superb command line tool, Rclone Shuttle lets you browse your files wherever they are hosted.

Rclone Shuttle can:

  • Upload files via drag and drop
  • Rename, move, copy and delete files/folders
  • Open remote files locally via double click
  • Handle encrypted Rclone configuration files

Rclone supports a variety of providers and protocols including:

  • Amazon S3
  • Dropbox
  • FTP
  • Google Cloud Storage
  • Google Drive
  • Google Photos
  • OneDrive
  • Proton Drive
  • SFTP
  • SMB (Samba)
  • WebDAV (works with Nextcloud)

Full host filesystem access is necessary to enable drag-and-drop until https://github.com/pieterdd/RcloneShuttle/issues/7 is fixed.

Alterações na versão 0.1.2-1

há 26 dias
(Construído há 26 dias)
  • Construído pela comunidade

    Esta app foi desenvolvida abertamente por uma comunidade de voluntários e disponibilizada sob a licença GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.
Tamanho instalado~78.54 MiB
Tamanho da transferência26.58 MiB
Arquiteturas disponíveisx86_64, aarch64