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de Christian Hergert
A column and row size indicator is displayed when resizing the window

Container-oriented terminal

Ptyxis is a terminal for GNOME that focuses on ease-of-use in a world of containers.


  • Remembers current container when opening a new tab with support for podman, toolbox, distrobox, and more
  • Configurable keyboard shortcuts
  • Modern interface which integrates the palette with the window styling
  • User-installable color palettes
  • Support for preferences profiles with container integration
  • Integrated color palettes with light and dark support
  • Tabbed interface with tab overviews
  • Efficient foreground process tracking denoting sudo and SSH
  • Support for transparent terminal backgrounds
  • Separate process mode for terminal-based applications
  • Support for pinned tabs and saved sessions
  • Terminal tabs are run within separate cgroups
  • Terminal inspector to help when writing terminal-based applications

Alterações na versão 46.4

há 8 dias
(Construído há 7 dias)
  • Construído pela comunidade

    Esta app foi desenvolvida abertamente por uma comunidade de voluntários e disponibilizada sob a licença GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.
Tamanho instalado~5.39 MiB
Tamanho da transferência3.8 MiB
Arquiteturas disponíveisx86_64, aarch64