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by Studio Pond
Spiderbro - Level 7

A spider puzzle game!

Spiderbro is a retro inspired adventure puzzle game for Windows and Linux. You play as Spiderbro, a purple spider that has to face an oppressive and dystopian environment whilst overcoming the obstacles of a shadowy adversary.

EXPLORE, COLLECT ITEMS, SOLVE PUZZLES! Don't get left behind! Overcome the shadow spider's obstacles by exploring the environment and collecting items for your inventory! Use your inventory items on world objects to solve puzzles! Got a locked door to get through? Better find a key!

IN-GAME PC's TO FURTHER HELP YOUR JOURNEY! Use the in-game PCs to be able to check for further clues! Text logs with clues and backstory on the local environment can be found on PCs found throughout the game! They can also dispense inventory items, list your inventory, save the game and more!

WATCH OUT FOR THE SHADOW WORLD! What is with those grey cracks in the walls? Why are PC files being corrupted? Why is the shadow spider here and where are they from? Enter the shadow world at your own risk! The puzzles are bound to be harder!

EVEN MORE! Simple keyboard controls. Atmospheric soundtrack. Audio and display options.

CONTROLS Arrow Keys - Move. Space - Use. Q - Pause/Main Menu.

Changes in version 1.9.2

8 months ago
(Built 3 days ago)
  • Community built

    This app is developed in the open by an international community, and released under the GNU General Public License v2.0 or later.
    Get involved
Installed Size~82.02 MiB
Download Size71.46 MiB
Available Architecturesx86_64