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by Michael Hammer
Info page for the Aboleth monster

View DnD information in style

Libellus lets you browse and read DnD 5th edition information like a wiki / lexicon. The basic navigation is tab-based, so multiple pages can be viewed at the same time. There is a basic search / filter system. The data is stored locally, images are downloaded.

Libellus currently supports Classes, Races, Spells, Magic Items, Equipment, and Monsters

Changes in version 1.0.4

about 20 hours ago
(Built about 8 hours ago)
  • Community built

    This app is developed in the open by an international community, and released under the GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.
    Get involved
Installed Size~5.54 MiB
Download Size2.04 MiB
Available Architecturesx86_64, aarch64