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by Cassidy James Blaede

Calculate display info like DPI and aspect ratio

Analyze any display. Input a few simple details and figure out the aspect ratio, DPI, and other details of a particular display. Great for deciding which laptop or external monitor to purchase, and if it would be considered HiDPI.

Lots of handy features:

  • Find out if a display is a good choice based on its size and resolution
  • Get advice about different densities
  • Learn the logical resolution
  • Differentiate between laptops and desktop displays
  • Stupid simple: all in a cute li'l window

Based my expertise and experience shipping HiDPI hardware and software at System76 and elementary.

Tells you if a display’s density is:

  • Very Low DPI,
  • Fairly Low DPI,
  • Ideal for LoDPI,
  • Potentially Problematic,
  • Ideal for HiDPI,
  • Fairly High for HiDPI, or
  • Too High DPI

Special thanks to Micah Ilbery for the shiny icons.

Changes in version 4.0.6

9 months ago
(Built 4 months ago)
  • Community built

    This app is developed in the open by an international community, and released under the GNU General Public License v3.0 or later.
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Installed Size~1.4 MiB
Download Size1.18 MiB
Available Architecturesx86_64, aarch64