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by Postman Inc.

Platform for building and using APIs

Postman is the complete toolchain for API developers, used by 5 million developers and more than 100,000 companies worldwide to access 130 million APIs every month. Postman makes working with APIs faster and easier by supporting developers at every stage of their workflow, and is available for macOS, Windows, Linux and Chrome users.

This wrapper is not verified by, affiliated with, or supported by Postman Inc.

Changes in version 11.2.0

22 days ago
(Built 20 days ago)
  • No changelog provided
  • Proprietary

    This app is not developed in the open, so only its developers know how it works. It may be insecure in ways that are hard to detect, and it may change without oversight.
Installed Size~144.97 MiB
Download Size137.99 MiB
Available Architecturesx86_64, aarch64